00:00:14.313 Rockstar PUNCHED Pineapple Coconut Freeze Flavour 00:01:23.502 Zool (Gremlin Collection 1) 00:07:56.655 Super Bowl 00:15:48.079 Neuer Fernseher: SAMSUNG GQ55QN91B Neo QLED TV 00:19:42.054 GQ55QN91B Einrichtung mit HDMI-CEC 00:21:56.820 GQ55QN91B Bildqualität 00:26:49.113 Borderlands Pre-Sequel 00:30:04.472 Fighting Game: X-Men Children of the Atom 00:32:36.300 Gestern Heute Übermorgen 070 Riker und Q (TNG 1x10) 00:33:43.116 Film: Bushwick 00:35:56.238 Film: Ant-Man Quantumania